Below you will find information and downloadable PDF files as a reference point for wellness checkups for your children at various ages. Please be sure to contact us if you have any comments or questions.

Birth: Hepatitis B vaccine (in the hospital), first office visit within a few days of hospital discharge
1 month: well visit, Hepatitis B vaccine
2 month: well visit, DTaP, Hib, Polio, Prevnar-13, and Rotavirus vaccines
4 month: well visit, DTaP, Hib, Polio, Prevnar-13, and Rotavirus vaccines
6 month: well visit, DTaP, Hib, Prevnar-13, and Rotavirus vaccines
9 month: well visit, Hepatitis B and Polio vaccines
12 month: well visit, MMR, Varicella, and Hepatitis A vaccines
15 month: well visit, DTaP, Hib, and Prevnar-13 vaccines
18 month: well visit, Hepatitis A vaccine
24 month: well visit, immunizations if needed for catch up
30 month: well visit, immunizations if needed for catch up
3 year: well visit, immunizations if needed for catch up
4 year: well visit, DTaP, Polio, MMR, and Varicella vaccines
5-10 years: well visits yearly, immunizations if needed for catch up
11 year: well visit, Menactra, Tdap, and HPV vaccines
12+ years: well visits yearly with Menactra and Trumenba vaccines at 16 yrs

**Flu vaccines recommended yearly in the fall for all children 6 months of age and older.**

DTaP/Tdap=Diphtheria, Tetanus, & Pertussis
Hib=Haemophilus Influenza
MMR=Measles, Mumps, & Rubella
HPV=Human Papilloma Virus
Varicella=Chicken Pox

Other Wellness resources for your reference.